For local pickup only due to its age and fragility - please contact us to arrange pickup! This is a 1959 Fender Bandmaster 3x10 amplifier in all of its tweed-covered glory. Who fans will know this one, as Pete Townshend used a Bandmaster along with his Gretsch to create the tones found on recordings such as the Who's Next record. The Bandmaster features three 10" Fender speakers and pumps out 26 watts of power. It looks as the amp has been serviced over the years with fresh caps as you can see in the chassis pictures. It retains the original Fender speakers, and has been changed to a modern three-prong grounded plug. The amplifier clearly has wear and tear all around the tweed covering and tarnishing to the chrome control plate. We don't see many of these around, so it's a pleasure to have been able to give it a go!